Friday, July 1, 2011

i am me - 1994

I Am Me

Watching, always watching,
People just pass by.
Oh, they notice alright,

But what they see is not me.

They see a wheelchair,

They see a body that to them is hopeless,

They see a body and then they say, "Oh, poor
They, society, have not seen me.

I am a person who thinks, feels and lives.

I am a writer.
I am a student.
And when given a chance I am
a friend.
I am a person like you.
I cry, laugh and get mad.

True, I do need some extra help but I am still a person.
When you look at me, look at the person.
I am not a wheelchair.
I am not handicapped.
And I am not an object for display.


  1. hi Kirsteen I just wanted you to know that I love your I AM ME poem. It speaks volumes. My son Luke uses a wheelchair and his respite worker has made similar comments re public opinion. We would love to share your poem on Luke's website/facebook if you don' mind. We saw your poems on Al Etmanski's blog. Hope you are having a good summer. Darlene Sanford

  2. Hi Kirsteen
    I just read your poem in the PLAN Bulletin Summer 2011 edition. You write beautifully, thank you for sharing your words of wisdom. I have a son with special needs and he cannot tell me in words or write like you do to express himself like you do. Your words speak very clearly the message. I look forward to reading more of your work. :)
